The future starts today, not tomorrow

Hello! This is Chanikya Nelapatla


var profile = {

creating global execution context...
CHANE is too complex to understand..

        name: 'CHANIKYA NELAPATLA',
        type: 'Bar',
        Physical location: 'Earth',
        Mental State: 'Roams here 
                 and there in 
                    Universe ,
        Prog.Lang: Python
                   C lang


IPL Score Prediction

Built an IPL Score Prediction model with a sleek GUI using Python, Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, Seaborn, Flask, HTML, and CSS.

Influencer Engagement and Sponsorship Coordination Platform

It's a platform to connect Sponsors and Influencers so that sponsors can get their product/service advertised and influencers can get monetary benefit. Technologies : HTML, CSS, JS, Jinja2 templates + Bootstrap, Flask, SqlLITE

HostelHub - Hostel Management System Website Development

Hostel Management System designed to streamline hostel operations and enhance the living experience for students. Technologies : HTML ,CSS , JS , MYSQL, PHP

Automeet24 Website Development

Developed a website for the Automobile Engineering Department’s symposium Technologies : HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript.

Training & Placement Management system

Developed a Training & Placement Management system in C-Language (File Management) for job & candidate management p>


Designing tools goes here.

Space Times

Weekly Space news goes here.

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